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by Gerald Epling

The energy that comes to us from the sun warms us, and nourishes the land and seas with photon energy so that green things can grow.  This solar energy interacts with our home based electromagnetic field.  The field that surrounds us and emanates from the Earth provides us with a clock like rhythm.  Without this rhythm we would become disoriented and our health would likely decline.  We are Earth people.

Because much of the daily rhythm that we experience is tied to some gentle magnetic fields that come to us from the Earth, it is a good idea to pay attention to those fields.  There is a rhythm to the Earth that seems to show up in slightly different ways at different points on the Earth.  This rhythm has a peak about every 4.18 seconds.  In Sedona, at the Airport Vortex Trail this rhythmic magnetic field comes straight out of the Earth, at an angle of about 90 degrees from the surface.  In one location that is more central to the lower 48 states, the field appears at an angle of about 45 degrees from the surface of the earth.  This electromagnetic rhythm looks like this:


The pulses are about 4.18 seconds apart.  The signal fits nicely inside a border of ten micro-Tesla, which is one-tenth of a Gauss.

What the differences in the quality and appearance of this signal mean as we travel from one place to another is open for investigation.  People who have a personal understanding of the field in Sedona suggest that it has some positive effects.  In measuring the field at Sedona, the best place that I found to take measurements was right on the surface of the ground.  Move the instrument up a few feet and the signal was lost.  There is something about the uncovered earth and rocks in this area that is worth experiencing and preserving.